How to recognize signs of anxiety in yourself
Subtle signs of anxiety you might miss
Contrary to popular belief, anxiety attacks and living with anxiety don't present as it does in the movies or on TV. Often, it's dramatized or effective in visualizing what the character is going through. Anxiety, on a realistic level, isn't quite as obvious to others and can often be mistaken for many other things, including disinterest, not being sociable, and even being shy.
The majority of anxiety is internalized, meaning your struggles are mostly internal without showing what is going on to the world. This can often be due to your 'fight or flight response ', a physiological reaction that occurs in response to a perceived harmful event, attack, or threat to survival. It's a silent fight with yourself as this response kicks in.
But with changes in behavior being so subtle, how can you recognize anxiety in yourself and get the help you need if you're not displaying the symptoms you associate with being anxious or having a problem?
Change In Habits or Behaviours
If you're living with anxiety, it's likely that you will start noticing changes to your usual routines or habits; you will be likely to avoid situations that increase your anxiety as much as possible. For instance, you might stop going to crowded places like shopping malls or concerts; you might drive more instead of using public transport so you don't meet people, stop going to overly crowded places, or limit your social activities. You might find that you hesitate more when doing things and need more encouragement to leave the house, or you might notice you're more fearful and alert when you are in different environments. These changes can be signs of anxiety or show you're worried in different situations.
Physical Reactions
Increased fidgeting, changes in breathing patterns, not feeling like you can catch your breath, increased heart rate, sweating, feelings of panic, increased pain, nausea, and feeling faint or lightheaded are all physical symptoms of anxiety, and experiencing more than one sudden or at the same time can your body dealing with the anxiety and the physical impact this is having on you. While not all of these symptoms will be present all the time or even at all, if they do appear and are in conjunction with situations that worry you, then this could be a sign you're struggling with anxiety and might need some help or support.
Mood Swings
Are you noticing your mood swings are becoming more frequent or that you can go from calm to scared or even angry in the blink of an eye? Anxiety can impact how you feel from one second to the next and make you more irritable and likely to lash out or retreat into yourself. These sudden and intense changes in mood are what we refer to as 'mood swings' in the context of anxiety. If you are noticing that you feel more unbalanced at certain times or when facing certain things, anxiety could be impacting your ability to control your emotions or regulate yourself.
Other Signs
If other people are taking note of your changes or increased anxiousness, then it's a positive step to seek help for your anxiety. Whether you talk to your doctor, look at online help chat for anxiety, or reach out to charities helping those living with anxiety, you're taking a proactive step in addressing your anxiety. With the right help and treatment, you can overcome what is impacting you and learn to live your life without anxiety taking over.