Living with Hidden Disabilities: The Challenges You Can’t See
Living with hidden disabilities presents unique challenges, including societal misunderstandings, self-doubt, and accessibility barriers that impact daily life.
Unlike visible disabilities, hidden disabilities require individuals to advocate for their needs while facing skepticism and discrimination in public spaces.
Raising awareness and fostering inclusivity can help create a world where people with hidden disabilities receive the respect, accommodations, and understanding they deserve.
Originally published on January 14, 2021. Last edited on March 8, 2025 by Brendan McDonald.
Living with hidden disabilities is hard. I don’t want to stray into “woe is me” territory here. I know I have privileges that others do not, and I even benefit at times from my disability not being immediately visible. But suffering is still suffering.
Almost ten years ago, one of my best friends lost her fiancé, and I lost my mother the following month. There was no competition between us to determine who suffered more, but we noticed that when we spoke of our losses, people would invariably try to compare their own struggles. We began to call that strange comparison the Pain Olympics, a term that has stuck with me ever since.
I constantly measure my emotions—my anger, sorrow, and frustration—to avoid becoming bitter. I recognize that others may look at my situation and genuinely feel they have it worse. And I believe them. That doesn’t change the fact that living with a hidden disability is still difficult.
The Battle Within and Without
I battle my own body and mind as much as I battle societal misconceptions. Many people living with chronic illnesses or hidden disabilities don’t appear any different from healthy individuals. This leads to a long list of misunderstandings. People living with hidden disabilities often bear the burden of making the invisible visible to others. (Source: British Medical Journal)
Do I Even Deserve to Call Myself Disabled?
This thought plagues many of us: Do I deserve accommodations? Are there others who need them more? Should I even ask for help?
Logically, I know the answer. Yes, I am disabled. Yes, I am living with hidden disabilities. My doctors wouldn’t diagnose me otherwise. Yes, I deserve accommodations; they are necessary for me to function. Yes, others may have it worse, but receiving the help I need doesn’t take away from them.
Then there are the external doubts. I’ve had more than my fair share of confrontations with people who don’t understand disability rights or think I’m faking for special treatment. Even within the disability community, a small number engage in the Pain Olympics, diminishing the struggles of others.
Recently, I had a particularly jarring experience. After undergoing a complicated wisdom tooth extraction at 35, I sought emergency treatment. The dentist refused to see me because I had a service animal. I didn’t look disabled enough, he said. He accused me of lying.
While I may never experience the struggles of someone who encounters physical barriers, like inaccessible buildings or inaccessible restrooms or those who are spoken to like children because of their disability, I do understand the disbelief, the accusations, and the self-doubt that come with having a hidden disability.
The Importance of Awareness and Support for Hidden Disabilities
Whether or not you are living with hidden disabilities, we are all human—people trying to survive in a world that can be unkind. Please, be kind. Be understanding. And most importantly, stop comparing suffering. It serves no purpose and doesn’t make anyone feel better.
The disabled community is diverse and filled with incredible people. Let’s support, rather than alienate, each other. Let's avoid the games of the oppression olympics.
What Is a Hidden Disability?
A hidden disability is a health condition or impairment that is not immediately obvious. It challenges stereotypes about what disability looks like and can make accessing support more difficult. The impact varies—some people experience minor challenges, while for others, their disability significantly affects daily life.
Why Is It Called a Hidden Disability?
Many people with non-visible conditions prefer terms like “hidden” or “less-visible” rather than “invisible” because the latter can imply that the disability does not exist. Some also avoid “hidden” because it may suggest intentional concealment.
Ultimately, the key takeaway is that just because a disability cannot be seen does not mean it is not real. Some hidden disabilities fluctuate—one day, a person may require mobility aids, while the next, they may not.
Examples of Hidden Disabilities
Daily life varies greatly for people with hidden disabilities. These conditions include but are not limited to:
Mental health conditions: Anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, personality disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder
Autism and neurodivergence
Sensory impairments: Visual or hearing impairments, sensory processing disorders
Cognitive impairments: Dementia, traumatic brain injury, learning disabilities
Chronic illnesses: Diabetes, chronic pain, respiratory conditions, fatigue syndromes
Other non-visible conditions: Incontinence, epilepsy, autoimmune disorders
The kind of support needed varies, and it’s best not to assume. Listening to disabled individuals and acting on their needs is the most effective way to provide meaningful support.
How to Treat People with Hidden Disabilities
People with hidden disabilities want the same thing everyone does: to be treated with respect. Just because you can’t see a disability doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
Nobody is obligated to disclose their disability. Some choose to wear lanyards or badges to indicate they may need extra support while traveling or shopping. Others prefer not to. Respecting personal choices is key.
Hidden Disabilities and COVID-19
As we saw during the pandemic, some people with hidden disabilities are at higher risk for complications from COVID-19. Others may be exempt from mask mandates due to medical reasons. If someone is exempt, they should not have to prove it. Many organizations provide medical exemption cards or lanyards for those who wish to carry them.
Raising Awareness of People Living with Hidden Disabilities
The more we understand about hidden disabilities, the better we can support those who live with them. Everyday activities—commuting, working, shopping, or socializing—can be significantly harder for someone with a hidden disability.
Avoid judging based on what you think disability should look like. Listening to disabled voices and ensuring accessibility is inclusive will create a better world for everyone.

The ‘Break the Mold’ t-shirt is for those who refuse to be boxed in.