Sex Like This Podcast

Written by: Dynamic Dreamz

To listen to the trailer of Sex Like This, our unique relationship podcast: watch the video above (if the CC icon is not on your screen, tap the screen to make it appear), read the transcript below, or download the transcript.

Sex Like This

the best sex and disability podcast to listen to in 2020

Why do we always hear the same love stories?

The abled-bodied, hetero, storybook version of what it’s like to fall in love gets told over and over and over again. Not anymore. Welcome to Sex Like This – an Uncomfortable Revolution® sex and disability podcast about relationships and dating with a chronic illness or disability, hosted and produced by Nicole Edwards, health journalist and URevolution™ Media Fellow.

Sex Like This Episodes

Washed out upclose portrait of a woman with brown wavy hair looks piercingly at camera. The Sex Like This logo is next to her: Sex Like This Podcast Logo: Words SEX LIKE THIS in all caps in a hot pink. A black heart with the Rx symbol and radio waves hangs off the S in this, which is slightly tilted. Image reflects new URevolution disability sex podcasts.

Episode 1 | Two Wrongs and Mr. Right

October 1 2019
When Jessica and her fiance break up, she dives back into the dating world in a big way. But then she gets sick — really sick — and wonders if she’ll ever be able to find love again because of her illness…



Episode 2 | Mark’s New Rituals

October 16 2019
Mark’s brain used to throw a lot of thoughts at him that he didn’t know how to deal with. Because of that, he never stayed in love for long. That all changed when he found a way to rewire his thinking.



Photo of Abbey. She has blonde wavy hair, blue eyes and a round face. The logo Sex Like This is next to her. The image reflects new URevolution disability sex podcasts.

Episode 3 | Abbey in Wonderland

October 30 2019
For Abbey, living with Alice in Wonderland Syndrome was anything but a fairytale. After years of unhealthy romantic relationships and disappointing doctors, things get curiouser and curiouser.



Photo of Emily. She has olive skin and a round face. She's wearing a black mesh top. Sex to her is the Sex Like This logo: Words SEX LIKE THIS in all caps in a hot pink. A black heart with the Rx symbol and radio waves hangs off the S in this, which is slightly tilted. The image reflects new URevolution disability sex podcasts.

Episode 4 | Saints, Sinners, and Seizures

November 13, 2019
Emily was engaged to a Vicar’s son before she found London’s polyamory scene. She did a lot before her body stopped cooperating, and she still does — just in brave new ways.



Photo of Emily. She has long, black hair, a bright smile, and freckles. She is wearing a thin-strapped top and funky necklace. The Sex Like This logo is to her right. Sex Like This in all caps in hot pink. Hanging off of the S in This is a black heart with two black radio waves and an Rx symbol in the top right. The image reflects new URevolution disability sex podcasts.

Episode 5 | Love and Donuts

SEASON FINALE – November 26, 2019
When Emily Sauer first started having pain during sex, she wasn’t sure how to bring it up with her partners, or her doctors. Who would have thought a donut could solve all her problems?


How to Listen

Sex Like This – URevolution’s original sex and disability podcast – available in the following podcast apps. Open the app, hit the search icon and enter Sex Like This. Or click on the links below:

You can also manually enter our Podcast feed into your favorite player or app

A close up of a person in a wheelchair with their lover - an amputee - is leaning over them. The Sex Like This logo is to his left—Sex Like This in all caps in hot pink. Having off of the S in This is a black heart with two black radio waves and an Rx symbol in the top right. The image reflects new URevolution disability sex podcasts.

Sex Like This is a podcast about the sex and dating lives of people living with a chronic illness or disability. Or both.


Corinne Gray and Brendan McDonald - Executive Producers - Sex like This - The best disability sex podcasts to listen to in 2020 about chronic illness and disability

