Author Profile

Leah Moore

Leah Moore

Leah Moore is a high school English and theater teacher who believes in the power of sharing stories. The birth of her daughter, Jordan, revealed she may never walk or talk due to a rare chromosomal disorder, Cri Du Chat which impacts 1 in 50,000 births. Four years later, her twin boys, Oliver and Austin, were born, and she and her husband have soon faced neurosurgeon appointments for one, and an oncologist for the other.

The Moore family has a list of doctors longer than their number of friends, and had to learn how to keep their family, their marriage, and themselves afloat. Four years later, the energetic Moore crew is happy, healthy, and constantly cleaning up Goldfish crumbs. She believes life's odysseys can best be handled with a sense of humor, empathy, and a perfect pair of fancy sweatpants.

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