Author Profile

Rebecca Young

Rebecca Young

Rebecca Young was born on the East Coast in Waterbury, Connecticut. Several years later her family moved west to a small town in Montana. She still resides in Montana with a family of her own and is happy to call it home.

When Rebecca isn’t working on her writing, she is spending time with her husband and children (sometimes simultaneously at the same time). She decided early on in life that she would approach life differently than many of her peers and settle for nothing less than an authentic lifestyle that meant something to her.

It is just now after getting married and starting a family, that she is beginning to focus on her own goals and working hard to find her place in this world. Recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia was a bit of a set back in her life, but it didn’t get in the way of her knowing what she wanted.

She is currently working on putting together her first book, along with submitting various short stories to several editors and magazines. Being new to the world of writing doesn’t make her any less relentless or passionate about the work she does. In her mind, the sky is limitless, and her journey has only just begun.

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