Author Profile
William Luvaas
William Luvaas has published four novels (Little Brown, Putnam, Spuyten Duyvil) and two story collections (U. Oklahoma Press, Spuyten Duyvil). Ashes Rain Down: A Story Cycle was The Huffington Post’s 2013 Book of the Year.
Other writing honors include an NEA fellowship and first place in Glimmer Train’s Fiction Open Contest. Dozens of his short stories, essays, and articles have appeared in many publications, including Antioch Review, The American Fiction Anthology, The Sun, and The Village Voice. When writer Lauren Groff called him “a wild-eyed genius,” in a blurb, he said, “I’ll take any genius I can get, even ‘a very dumb genius.’”
He lives with his wife Lucinda, an artist and filmmaker, and rambunctious akita Mimi in L.A. and loves helping Cin with her short films.